Open for Curbside + Local Delivery

Curbside & local delivery begin this week!

We've paused for a few weeks to consider how to proceed as a business, given what our community, staff, and suppliers are experiencing right now. Our mission is to create meads and ciders that gather us together and connect our customers to Michigan's hard-working farmers and producers. Right now, with that in mind, we're building a long-term sustainable plan that feels good, right and safe.

We've decided that for Bløm, that will include limited weekly curbside hours, doorstep delivery, new ways to engage online (think virtual meadery tours and at-home pairings), and ongoing distribution to retailers.

Our curbside and delivery services will be contactless - you can order and pay online or by phone, we'll prepare your order using proper sanitary methods and equipment, and then set your Bløm goods on your doorstep or outside our taproom on a sanitized table for you to pick. The product does not touch our hands - meads and ciders are packaged directly into cans or growlers. We have taken great care in upholding sanitary standards in adherence with state protocol and are collaborating with local authorities. However, we understand that some may still be concerned about safety, so we encourage you to sanitize or quarantine the packaging when you arrive home as an additional precaution. We unfortunately can't offer refills during this time, but we're providing new growlers and howlers at our wholesale price in the meantime.

We appreciate you more than we can properly convey during these times void of hugs and high fives and shared drinks around a common table. Although these means of connecting are "contactless," hearing from you and sharing with you brings us a whole lotta joy.

Lauren Bloom