PBS Episode

tasteMAKERS is a national public television show that puts a spotlight on culinary industry professionals whose work is defining the flavor of American food today. Cat Neville and the tasteMAKERS team spent a week with us, learning about our session meads and ciders and visiting the farms and producers we work with across the state of Michigan. Grab a bowl of popcorn and cozy up with an episode about Bløm!

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Great Lakes Bee Co. is one of our main honey suppliers, offering raw honey produced in a responsible way.

Dr. Meghan Milbrath from Michigan State’s Department of Entomology explains the lifecycle of the bee and the life of the hive.

The MSU Student Organic Farm is a teaching and production farm that produces fresh produce all year long and grows our ginger.

Marc Boone cultivates hundreds of pawpaw trees in Michigan. Each year we visit his orchard to u-pick pawpaws for a sour mead.