After months and years and some more months of working toward this moment, it's finally time! We've kicked down hurdles, blown through construction, and slowly gnawed our way through red tape... But all of that is behind us and what lies ahead is a big ol' celebration - a day to say the most gigantic thank you for all of the support you've given to us along the way. We might have given up (especially on the tape-gnawing) if it weren't for the endless stream of encouragement and excitement that helped us keep our chins up.
So grab your friends, gramma, neighbors, mail carrier, cubicle mate, or the person sitting next to you on the bus and come on over! All of our meads and ciders will be available on tap and in cans for purchase along with a handful of Michigan-made snacks. We'll also have house-made soda, coffee and tea at the ready for folks who are interested.
Showing up earns you a raffle entry! We'll be raffling off some pretty cool stuff - tours, merch, and even a CSM membership. Not sure what that is? Come find us on Saturday and we'd be happy to share the deets with you about our membership program along with other community events we have in the works.
So put on your party pants, and let's get those doors open!
Lauren & Matt