Wrapping up 2021

Every year we sit down and try to write a bit from the heart over the holidays. Some updates on how things have been, what we're hoping for in the upcoming year. Mostly they're love notes to you, letting you know that you are the reason we get to continue pouring ourselves into this work that we love so much. And we're feeling all of those things - many of them more deeply than we've ever felt them before. We don't take lightly what it means to still be a business right now - the luck, incredible support, hard work, and privilege that have come together to continue this path.

And while we most often get to feel joy and inspiration, we're also feeling that all-too-common deep exhaustion. We're going to be signing offline for the next few days to sleep, breathe in some fresh air, play in the snow and eat a lot of cookies. In the meantime, we’ll be sending a lot of love out from our small family to yours.


Lauren, Matt, Ollie & Martin 🐾

Building a snowman
Lauren Bloom