Potty Talk
Let’s talk about bathrooms, shall we? A topic we’ve never covered here on the blog. If you’ve ever been in our taproom, you’ve probably noticed our very, uh, office-y bathrooms. On the upside? They’re large, have many stalls, are clean, and are well stocked. On the downside? Well, they’re very greige. And pretty personality-less. Our bathrooms are shared with another commercial space in the building, an office space that opens onto Huron, which means that they’re built, managed and maintained by the building (not us).
As we developed our construction plans and built out our space, we pushed hard on our landlords to create gender neutral bathrooms, but they weren’t willing to budge. So, instead, we have very contractor-grade “men’s” and “women’s” bathrooms. Not ideal. But! The solution for us has been to help customers understand that we don’t care which bathroom they use - we prefer they use the one most comfortable for them.
So what’s in there? Here’s a rundown of what’s in each bathroom so you can decide which suits you:
Women’s - sanitary products, stalls, ADA stall, changing table
Men’s - stalls, urinals, ADA stall, changing table
Coming in and still have questions? Let us know and we’ll try to provide as much information as we can!